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10 Sep 2018 Sector In-Depth Sovereigns - Global: Risk to government credit quality from rise in corporate debt vulnerability is limited Argentina, Gove...
Belgium, Govern...
Canada, Governm...
China, Governme...
Hong Kong SAR, ...
Ireland, Govern...
Italy, Governme...
Luxembourg, Gov...
Mexico, Governm...
Portugal, Gover...
24 Aug 2018 Sector Comment Sovereigns - Global: Contagion risks greatest where external vulnerability, weak debt affordability meet low policy credibility Argentina, Gove...
Brazil, Governm...
China, Governme...
Ecuador, Govern...
Gabon, Governme...
Ghana, Governme...
Kenya, Governme...
Lebanon, Govern...
Mongolia, Gover...
Pakistan, Gover...
10 Nov 2015 Sector In-Depth Global Macro Outlook 2015-17: Lacklustre Global Economic Recovery Through 2017 Diminishes Resilience to Shocks Argentina, Gove...
Australia, Gove...
Brazil, Governm...
Canada, Governm...
China, Governme...
France, Governm...
Germany, Govern...
India, Governme...
Indonesia, Gove...
Italy, Governme...
04 Nov 2015 Outlook Sovereigns – Global: Stable Outlook Despite Low Growth, Jittery Markets and Uneven Reforms Austria, Govern...
Bahrain, Govern...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Belarus, Govern...
Belgium, Govern...
Bolivia, Govern...
Botswana, Gover...
Brazil, Governm...
Canada, Governm...
Chile, Governme...
12 May 2015 Sector In-Depth Global Macro Outlook 2015-16: Stronger US Dollar and Shifts in Capital Flows Stoke Divisions in Global Growth Brazil, Governm...
China, Governme...
Germany, Govern...
India, Governme...
South Africa, G...
Turkiye, Govern...
United States o...
02 Dec 2013 Special Comment QE Tapering & Turkey: Impact on Various Sectors of Turkish Economy Will Likely be Limited and Short-Lived Given Existing Buffers Turkiye, Government of
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